Skin and Hair Quality Infusion

An Infusion specifically developed to improve skin and hair quality giving a collagen and antioxidant boost.

What’s in it?

Vitamin C - Improves immune function. Antioxidant properties which reduces free radical damage. Assists with iron production absorption. Assists in wound healing. Has an anti-histamine effect. Essential for collagen synthesis. Improves skin tone and texture.

B Complex - Energy metabolism. Glucose metabolism. Breaks down carbs, proteins, and fats for energy. Protects against cardiac diseases, cancers, and vision loss. Precursor for NADH (DNA repair, anti-ageing). Photoprotection, skin-lightening, vasoactive, antipruritic, antimicrobial, and sebostatic (reduce oiliness) effects. Immune, nervous, and gastrointestinal protection.

Selenium - Helps to make DNA and protect against cell damage, and infections. Reproduction and metabolism of thyroid hormones. Prevents inflammation of acne. Antioxidant that helps to protect other antioxidants like vitamin E.

Single Infusion - $300

Package - Purchase 6 for the price of 5.