Post Viral Infusion

An Infusion specifically developed to replace nutrients and amino acids typically depleted during an acute viral infection and boost the immune system.

What’s in it?

TRI Shot - Contains a blend of amino acids which are depleted by the body if it is ill or under stress. These aminos may play a role in cardiovascular health and general wellbeing and longevity.

B Complex - Energy metabolism. Glucose metabolism. Breaks down carbs, proteins, and fats for energy. Protects against cardiac diseases, cancers, and vision loss. Precursor for NADH (DNA repair, anti-ageing). Photoprotection, skin-lightening, vasoactive, antipruritic, antimicrobial, and sebostatic (reduce oiliness) effects. Immune, nervous, and gastrointestinal support and protection.

Zinc - Essential for immune system, wound healing, blood clotting, thyroid function, and the sense of taste and smell. Supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence.

Single Infusion - $300.

Package - Purchase 6 for the price of 5.