Hairloss/Thinning Vitamin Infusion

Hair Loss or thinning is very common occurring for both men and women for multiple different reasons including hormonal imbalances, genetics and ageing. The below vitamin infusion has been developed to help reduce hair loss and improve hair growth. Best used in conjunction with PRP Hair Loss treatments.

What’s in it?

Vitamin C - Essential for collagen production. Collagen is essential for skin health. Hair follicles sit within the deeper layers of the skin. Healthy skin/scalp = healthy hair. Improves immune function. Antioxidant properties which reduces free radical damage. Assists with iron production – low or unstable iron levels can result in hair thinning/loss. Assists in wound healing.

Selenium - Antioxidant that rids the body of free radicals that affect hair follicle health. Supports Thyroid function. Poor Thyroid function can be a cause of hair thinning and loss due to abnormal hormone regulation.

Zinc - DNA/RNA Synthesis. Essential for division and growth of hair follicles and hair bulbs. Immune support

Single Infusion - $320

Package - Purchase 6 for the price of 5.