Chronic Fatigue Infusion

An Infusion specifically developed to improve energy production and provide sustained energy levels.

What’s in it?

Vitamin C - Improves immune function. Antioxidant properties which reduces free radical damage. Assists with iron production and absorption. Assists in wound healing. Has an anti-histamine effect. Improves skin tone and texture.

B Complex - Energy metabolism. Glucose metabolism. Breaks down carbs, proteins, and fats for energy. Protects against cardiac diseases, cancers, and vision loss. Precursor for NADH (DNA repair, anti-ageing). Photoprotection, skin-lightening, vasoactive, antipruritic, antimicrobial, and sebostatic (reduce oiliness) effects. Immune, nervous, and gastrointestinal protection.

Taurine - Sustained energy levels. Supports nerve growth. Supports heart and brain function. Lowers blood pressure and calms the nervous system. Aids in metabolism and digestion. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Magnesium - Energy creation. Protein formation. Help to create and repair DNA. Aids in muscle contraction and relaxation. Nervous system regulation.

Single Infusion - $320.

Package - Purchase 6 infusions for the price of 5.